Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ice cream

Oh, my. I was watching the food channel last night, because synchronized diving was on NBC, and 10 minutes of that was plenty. "Unwrapped" was on. I enjoy this show, although Mark Summers annoys me (far more than he did on Double Dare). Anyway, last night was back to back Ice Cream episodes.

Warning: don't watch shows about ice cream when you don't have any in the house. This leads to unnecessary cravings. I usually have at least froyo for my post-gym smoothies, but I didn't even have that. And the nearby grocery store was closed, as was the local ice cream place. Sigh.

What I gather from these episodes were that I must have my own ice cream maker. Soon. I'm planning to register for the Kitchen Aid attachment one, but ugh my wedding is well over a year away. I might just have to get it myself.

A cooking school in Denver goes ice cream classes in the summer. I can't remember all the ones that made me drool, but black pepper was one that made me think. And I thought, I really need to incorporate ice cream into my appetizers. Ice cream does not need to be a sweet dessert concoction, it could easily be a mildly sweet, savory thing! And I then I made my yum/thinking noise, which needs to be put into letters.

Finally, they presented this website: ecreamery.com. Oh, my. You can design your own ice cream, and this clever young man in Chicago will make it for you, and mail it to you. (and then you get dry ice to play with) Check out the site. I'm in awe.

Unfortunately, it costs a fortune. A 1/2 gallon is $55 and shipping is $36.

This is why I need an ice cream maker, so I can make my own basil walnut gelato and pineapple ginger ice cream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i think the first thing the Mister and i put on our registry was an ice cream maker. we made ice cream for weeks right after we got it!! since moving into 2 different apartments and finally, our house, it's still in it's box. this may change now, of course, since i just read your post! i think i'll try to find a pistacio ice cream recipe...