Saturday, May 7, 2011

Derby Day!

Since my Kentucky trip, I have a new appreciation for the Kentucky Derby, a day that the rest of my family looks forward to all spring. This year, not only do I plan on watching, but I have to drink a mint julep (or two!) to celebrate. But being a relatively new recruit, and a very new bourbon drinker, I am by no means an expert on the famed mint julep.

So I made up my own.

The Lazy Girl's Mint Julep
a wamozart12 original
serves 4

1/2 cup bourbon
3-4T simple syrup
1 peppermint tea bag
shaved ice
sprigs of mint, for garnish

Tear open the tea bag and dump the leaves into a bowl. Add the bourbon. Let steep for a while- 20 minutes is pretty good.
Strain off the leaves and add simple syrup to taste.

Fill 4 old fashioned glasses (unless you're fancy and own a julep cup) with crushed or shaved ice. Pour 1oz (2T) of liquid into each glass. Garnish with mint.

You wouldn't think a peppermint tea bag would have anything to do with bourbon. But you'd be mistaken. This was a total half-assed attempt at a drink, and Clint and I were both pleasantly surprised by the results- enough to blog about it!

Happy Derby Day!

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